Synopsis: At the University of Pennsylvania, a student is reprimanded for calling a group of African-American students water buffalo. Several prominent American law schools now request that professors abstain from discussing the legal aspects of rape for fear of offending students. Read full synopsis.
“Sara Massey’s volume is so well done that one need be neither black nor Texan to enjoy the book. Black Cowboys of Texas has the merit of expanding the horizons of two kinds of history, that of the cowboy as well as that of the African American.” --The Bloomsbury Review
Some of Mr. Griffin's recipes appear in this book byJessie Tirsch, a native New Yorker, spent 11 years in New Orleans where she co-authored Emeril's New New Orleans Cooking with chef Emeril Lagasse, and ghost-wrote Chef Paul Prudhomme's Seasoned America. She then proceeded to author two of her own books: A Taste of the Gulf Coast (Macmillan) and McGuire's Irish Pub Cookbook (Pelican Publishing). Although hard at work on a novel based on a true story set in New Orleans, Jessie is also kept busy as a freelance writer, specializing in high-impact advertising, press releases, brochures and articles for business-to-business and consumer campaigns. Purchase book